IAQ.net Resources

EPA Moisture Control Guide 2013

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www.epa.gov/iaq/moisture Roof and Ceiling Assembly Maintenance yy Installation contractor information. ISSUE yy Roof, ceiling assembly and drainage system manufacturers. Roof and ceiling assemblies can deteriorate due to normal wear, severe weather, building movement, and improper design, construction and maintenance. Failure to correct roof and ceiling problems quickly can cause additional damage to the building envelope and the interior of the building. Uncorrected roof and ceiling problems can also cause loss of occupant productivity, damage to building contents and failure of structural integrity. yy Warranty information. yy Record of inspections. • Prepare a map showing all roof and ceiling assembly features such as scuttles, HVAC equipment, drains, gutters, downspouts, scuppers, vents and roof angle changes. Use this map to locate items of interest observed during the inspection. (See Appendix B for a sample map of a roof and ceiling assembly.) GOALS Roof Maintenance Goal 1: Facility maintenance systems and preventive maintenance plans effectively address moisture control issues for roof and ceiling assemblies. Roof Maintenance Goal 2: Moisture does not penetrate roof and ceiling assemblies or collect in exterior elements, except as intended by the design. Roof Maintenance Goal 2: Moisture does not penetrate roof and ceiling assemblies or collect in exterior elements, except as intended by the design. Guidance 1: Inspect the roof and ceiling assemblies to determine whether they are performing their intended functions; to identify signs of weakness, deterioration or hazards; and to identify needed repairs. GUIDANCE Frequency of Inspection Roof Maintenance Goal 1: Facility maintenance systems and preventive maintenance plans effectively address moisture control issues for roof and ceiling assemblies. • Inspect semi-annually or in accordance with manufacturer's requirements and as soon as possible after heavy winds or rains. • Conduct special inspections after events such as construction on the roof or adjacent roofs, rooftop equipment installation, fire or vandalism. Guidance 1: Read, understand and comply with the manufacturers' or installation contractors' warranty terms and conditions. Prepare for Inspections Guidance 2: Develop tools for routine inspection and maintenance. • Review, learn and follow roof safety procedures. • Review past inspection reports, construction documents and past maintenance and repair reports before inspecting the roof. • Develop a roof and ceiling assembly inspection checklist (See Appendix B for a sample). Use it as a guide for observing and evaluating the roof and its systems, equipment mounted on the roof, drainage problems and traffic patterns. Conduct Inspections • Develop a roof and ceiling assembly user's manual and logbook. Include such information as: • Use ladders to inspect steep roofs. Ensure all ladders comply with, and are maintained and used in accordance with, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 yy The type of roof, gutter, external downspout system and internal drain and cover. 95

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