IAQA - White Paper Archives

November 2015 Government Affairs Update

Issue link: https://hi.iaq.net/i/599583

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IAQA GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS - October 2015 IAQA's Government Affairs Committee is dedicated to serving IAQA's members and the public by providing a proactive and involved outreach effort to legislators and regulators at all levels of government. Their goal is to be responsive to members who have questions and interest in any legislation that affects air quality in the built environment, as well as to help build relationships with legislators so that our public servants can obtain the expertise of IAQA members. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MOLD LICENSING UPDATE The District of Columbia has opened a public comment period on its Second Proposed Mold Licensing Regulations, titled "District of Columbia Mold Assessment and Remediation Licensure Regulations." The following link provides links to all necessary documents: http://doee.dc.gov/moldlicensureregs In mid-October, the IAQA Government Affairs Committee emailed notification of the public comment period to all our members in DC, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Members were asked six yes or no questions on what the committee determined are likely issues affecting our members. Members were also asked to expound on their answers with additional comments, as well as to comment directly to DC with their input. At the time of this writing, member responses are being tabulated independently. If any consensus is apparent, IAQA Government Affairs will attempt to construct a position statement, gain approval from the IAQA Board of Directors, and hopefully submit prior to the DC deadline of Monday, 10/26/2015. Highlights of the survey including issues of whether remediators can provide mold assessments, if assessors must be involved on all mold remediation projects, disclosure of relationships between remediators and assessors should be required, and if licensing should be universally required for all individuals involved with assessment or remediation (including every worker). Even if you are not geographically proximate to DC, and/or you are reading this update after the public comment deadline, your feedback is invited and appreciated. [Joe Hughes is the Coordinator for DC Mold Licensing, and Todd Stevens is a Special Advisor. Todd contributed meritorious effort and time to compile this update.] NEW YORK STATE MOLD LICENSING UPDATE As noted in the Update last month, the priority for the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) is to get applications from training providers for approval to teach

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