IAQA - White Paper Archives

Pinto_A Practical Approach to Assisting Sensitized Individuals

Issue link: https://hi.iaq.net/i/691401

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IAQA 18th Annual Meeting & Indoor Environment and Energy Expo (IE3) The views and opinions herein are those of the volunteer authors and may not reflect the views and opinions of IAQA. The information is offered in good faith and believed to be reliable but it is provided without warranty, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or any other matter. 4. California Department of Public Health;"Statement on Building Dampness, Mold, and Health"; September 2011. 5. Pinto, Michael A.; "Medical Evidence Connecting Mold Exposure to Illness Continues to Build"; Cleaning & Restoration, Nov/Dec 2011. 6. Pinto, Michael A., Wonder Makers Environmental; Fungal Contamination: A Comprehensive Guide to Remediation; 2008. 7. Pinto, Michael A., Mike Davis, Sara Eager; "Mold Clean-Up Projects—Post-remediation criteria are crucial to success"; Professional Safety; November 2004. 8. Wonder Makers Environmental; "Recommended Cleaning Practices for Materials Potentially Contaminated by Mold"; July 2001. 9. Stull, Jeffrey O., International Personnel Protection, Inc.; "Evaluation of the Cleaning Effectiveness and Impact of Esporta and Industrial Cleaning Techniques on Firefighter Protective Clothing - Technical Report"; May 10, 2006. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michael A. Pinto, CSP, CMP, is chief executive officer of Wonder Makers Environmental, Inc., a manufacturing and environmental consulting firm that specializes in identification and control of asbestos, lead, IAQ, mold, industrial hygiene, and chemical problems. Mr. Pinto is the author of over 150 published articles and several books including, Fungal Contamination: A Comprehensive Guide for Remediation. He completed doctoral course work in environmental engineering and holds numerous certifications in the environmental and safety areas including Certified Safety Professional and Certified Mold Professional. In addition to being a frequent speaker at industry events, Michael has been honored with such prestigious awards as the Golden Quill, Martin L. King Award, the Phoenix Award for Innovative Restoration from the Restoration Industry Association, and the President's Award from the Environmental Information Association. Michael can be reached at 269-382-4154 or map@wondermakers.com.

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