Healthy Indoors Show

June 18, 2020

The Healthy Indoors Show brings you the information you need! Each episode features the industry’s experts on a variety of topics of interest. The show is hosted by HI‘s Founder & Publisher, Bob Krell, who is a veteran consultant, contractor and trainer in the indoor environmental and building performance industries.LIVE Thursdays 1:00 – 2:00 PM EDT at:

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Healthy Indoors Show 6-18-20:Addressing Indoor Air Quality and COVID-19 in India
Healthy Indoors Show 6-18-20:Addressing Indoor Air Quality and COVID-19 in India

Healthy Indoors Show June 18, 2020 — Healthy Indoors‘ Bob Krell, is joined live from New Delhi, India by s...

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Building Performance Talk. Summer 2020:  Ellen Tohn: Your Home Environment Matters
Building Performance Talk. Summer 2020: Ellen Tohn: Your Home Environment Matters

In the post-Covid world, some of what we are now doing in our homes that we didn’t used to do in our homes ...