HI Show OVERTIME 5-14-20 Dealing with Mold & Moisture in Housing for Building Performance and Weatherization Programs

May 17, 2020

HI Show May 14, 2020 — OVERTIME session with the panel Contractors and consulting performing Building Performance and Weatherization work often are faced with properties that have moisture and mold/microbial issues. In many cases, their only option is to defer doing the project. What should they be looking for, and how might these organizations better address these situations? This week’s Healthy Indoors Show brings a diverse panel of experts in moisture, mold, building performance/weatherization, and program implementation together to discuss this important topic, right on the heels of last week’s Building Performance Association National Home Performance Virtual Conference. Hayward Score’s Joe Medosch joins host Bob Krell with guests Bill Robinson (Train2Build), Jason West (CEDA), Kelly Cutchin (SMS-Results), Doug Horgan, and John Mitchell (JLC INdustries) for a discussion you will not want to miss on The Healthy Indoors Show!

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HI Show 5-21-20 Promo

BAD ASS HVAC: One simple system to deliver near perfect comfort and air quality. HI Show May 21, 2020 — Wa...

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HI Show 5-14-15: Dealing with Mold & Moisture in Housing for Building Performance and Weatherization Programs
HI Show 5-14-15: Dealing with Mold & Moisture in Housing for Building Performance and Weatherization Programs

HI Show May 14, 2020 — Contractors and consulting performing Building Performance and Weatherization work o...