Session 301 - Stealth Passive House: Boring, Invisible + Everywhere - Jesse Thompson

December 9, 2019

IAQ & Energy 2019 Conference, Session 301: Early stage high-profile Passive House projects often launch with carefully integrated project teams, lots of fan fare, and extensive lists of (expensive) consultants. That’s all good for the first pilot projects, but how do the rest of us bring these concepts to mainstream multifamily construction projects when we are not allowed all these special resources? We will lay out the path we have followed on multi-family projects where Passive House was either frowned upon or actively off the table. What are the most critical elements of Passive House for a team to focus on when making cost and value judgements in project meetings? What is the proper balance of improved fresh air ventilation, air tightness and insulation?

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Session 401 - Moving Beyond "Sustainable": Architecture Seizing Its Biggest Lever - Timothy Lock
Session 401 - Moving Beyond "Sustainable": Architecture Seizing Its Biggest Lever - Timothy Lock

IAQ & Energy 2019 Conference, Session 401: How will the building on your boards perform 50 years from now? ...

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Session 201 - The Ghost of Ventilation Issues Past And Present - April Frakes
Session 201 - The Ghost of Ventilation Issues Past And Present - April Frakes

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