IAQ.net Resources

ES+H Multifamily Building Upgrades_508c_02 09 2016

Issue link: https://hi.iaq.net/i/655416

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26 Energy Savings Plus Health | INDOOR AIR QUALITY GUIDELINES FOR MULTIFAMILY BUILDING UPGRADES PRIORITY ISSUE 5.0 RADON ASSESSMENT PROTOCOLS (AP) MINIMUM ACTIONS (MA) EXPANDED ACTIONS (EA) Note: Testing on every floor is necessary to (1) assess whether radon from a ground-contact source is travelling up- wards through the building via a chase, shaft or other pathway; and (2) assess whether there are building materials that emit radon. In higher floors where only one dwelling unit is tested, it can be useful to test a dwelling unit adja- cent to potential radon pathways such as a stairwell or elevator shaft. If radon levels increase from less than 4 pCi/L to 4 pCi/L or higher, complete radon mitigation consistent with AARST Radon Mitigation Standards for Mul- tifamily Buildings, RMS-MF 2014. Long-term (90-day) samples should be used to confirm post-upgrade results. Follow the same mitigation approach if no pre-work levels were taken and the post-work radon level is ≥ 4 pCi/L. MA 5.3 Notify the Building Owner/Prop- erty Manager About Radon-Reduction Measures Notify the building owner and/or prop- erty manager about the test results and radon-reduction measures that were implemented. Inform the building owner and/or property manager that the radon testing protocols were completed to en- sure that the building upgrade work did not introduce indoor radon problems, but the protocols did not necessarily mitigate a prior radon problem in the building. Advise the building owner and/ or property manager to perform periodic retesting in areas of the building that have been mitigated for radon. Encour- age the building owner and/or property manager to provide occupants with information about radon testing results and mitigation/ risk-reduction measures. Owners should consult EPA's A Citizen's Guide to Radon for more information about radon risk and mitigation strate- gies.

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